Monday 4 September 2017

Acrostic Poem Friendship

Acrostic Poem Friendship



In charge








Writing Sample

The Monster Under The Bed
Once upon a time there lived a little 6 year old boy, his name was max. Max had a mother and father that read stories of monsters every night to themselves, of course they did not want max to find out that they read scary monster stories, or he would be scared every night, but what the parents did not know was that he was reading them night by night.
There was a twist whenever max’s parents read a monster book they would turn into the monster that they were reading about.

One day there lived a boy his name was max, he lived in a house with his mum and dad they were like any old family in the world, they take max to school and go to there jobs.

Max went to paper school, dad went to rainbow school and mum went to book school.Everyday dad would come and pick up mum and go and pick up max from their jobs and school.

Monday 29 May 2017


Tēnā koutou katoa,
Ko Te Mata te maunga – My mountain is

Ko Tuki Tuki te awa – My river is

Ko Alix taku ingoa – My name is…

Ko Havlock North Intermediate  taku kura – My school is…

Nō New Zealand ahau – I am from…

Nō reira, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā tātou katoa.
Therefore, greetings to you, greetings to you, greetings to us all.

Thursday 30 March 2017

Describe A Person

Describe A Person

As soon as I new that mum was having a baby i knew it was going to be the best moment of my life, she told me and my sister that she doesn't know if its a boy or a girl, obviously my sister wanted it to be a girl but i wanted it to be a boy. At that time i was 9 years old, so this was 4 years ago.I went to school for the next couple months, and then mum didn't come and pick us up dad did, and he said i have a surprise, so we went to the hospital and there he was, freddie. I was so excited having a brother, my sister was to but not as much as me.
From that day on, every day after school we would go there and say hello, I got to hold him when he was a bit older but he just cried he loved mum more back then.
Now 4 years later here we are, i am your best friend he tells me and i say it back.
He has blond hair just like me and is cute, well that's what i think, his personality is different to his looks, much different.
So before his 4th christmas his favorite thing to do was play on mums ipad, but he thinks its his so what ever he is 4.
After christmas we all got a tramp to share and that's all he really does now other than build huts with me or play on the ipad, drink milo's and eat biscuits, so that's really him, but there is a couple more thing you might want to now.
He doesn't really like watching movies, well he does but then he walks away, his imaginary animal is a Hunk Rat it lives in Belgebgmar and in that country it lives in the Gecko and his favorite food is quassi and polotho.

Wednesday 29 March 2017


1. I am grateful for my family and living these days with nice behaviour from the teachers, not mean with the CANE!

2. I am grateful to not be sick and to not have a disease that can't be cured, like cancer and stuff like that.

3. I am grateful for water to keep me alive and to live for years to go by.


Monday 21 November 2016

Christmas Tree Technology Challenge

Christmas Tree Technology Challenge

1. This challenge was about :Making a christmas tree.
2. Aspects we were being judged on :Branches teamwork colors.
3. My team members included :Branches teamwork colors
4. The strength of our team was :Everyone helped.
5. Overall results and what I would do differently next time :We came 3rd and we will make a bigger tree.

Tuesday 11 October 2016

Monday 10 October 2016

Wednesday 14 September 2016

Week 8 Problem Solving

Reading Today

1. Before you start reading, what is your prediction about what the tools for young Change Makers might be? Use your head and hands they are free to use.

2. What are some of the world's problems/issues spoken of very early on in the speech? Littering.

3. Service is one of the Badges in the Gold Awards and Honours Badges. What are some aspects of service you have heard other people being involved with in Ms Beaumont's presentations at assembly? Littering and rubbish duty and service.

4. If young people are provided the tools and resources they can lead positive community change. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Why/why not I disagree because everyone is different and not many people understand or listen in the world.

5. What are the current environment issues in Hawke's Bay you can think of? Littering.

6. "Instead of asking why, young people ask why not?" Can you think of a situation or scenario where this has been true for you? Because everyone is different.

7. Empowerment is one of the biggest tools young people need. Explain what this concept means. Need suport and help to see what you're capable of doing.

Friday 9 September 2016


WALT: To problem solve using a range of strategies.

Problem Solving Strategies: Draw a picture, make a list/chart, trial and error or guess and check, look for a pattern, work backwards, logic and reasoning, write a number sentence.

Problem:  How many squares are there on a checkerboard?

Screen Shot 2016-09-03 at 8.52.39 pm.png

Solving The Problem:



Thursday 8 September 2016

Reading Today

On your blog please insert the link and have a go at answering these questions.

1. What is one reason Matt Whittle is even more of an outstanding Good Sort than any other NZer who has been nominated? Because he wanted to do something different and sell things for cans not money to others and give the cans to shops in Christchurch. 

2. Matt does not accept money like other second hand shops. Can you think of a reason why he might have chosen to do this? Because he wanted to be a nice kind man and give cans to shops in Christchurch. 

3. How has his Dad been a big supporter of his work? For letting Matt make a opshop in his garage.

4. Where are the cans going? To shops in Christchurch.

5. What do you think the community feel about Matt's work? Amazed, Grateful and Thankful.

6. If you could tell Matt one sentence, what would it be? Do you want to do this for a living.

Monday 5 September 2016

Buffalo Soldiers

  1. What is the song about? What does the title have to do with the song? A buffalo soldiers.
  2. What message is the song trying to convey to the listener? The black Africans were wrongfully enslaved by the Americans.
  3. What three poetic sound devices, (rhyming, alliteration, accent, onomatopoeia) can you find? Write the lines that you find each devices in and explain.Drums, Voice, Guitar.
  4. What two figurative devices (metaphor, simile, personification) can you find in the lyrics? Write the lines and explain each one. Fighting for survival means they are fighting for survival. Stolen from africa brought to america means some of the africans were brought to america to be slaves.

Friday 26 August 2016

Thursday 25 August 2016

Week 5 Problem Solving

Week 5 Problem Solving

WALT: To problem solve using a range of strategies.

Problem Solving Strategies: Draw a picture, make a list/chart, trial and error or guess and check, look for a pattern, work backwards, logic and reasoning, write a number sentence.

Problem:  Medals Count
Given the following clues, can you work out the number of gold, silver and bronze medals that France, Italy and Japan got in this international sports competition?
  • Japan has 1 more gold medal, but 3 fewer silver medals, than Italy.
  • France has the most bronze medals (18), but fewest gold medals (7).
  • Each country has at least 6 medals of each type.
  • Italy has 27 medals in total.
  • Italy has 2 more bronze medals than gold medals.
  • The three countries have 38 bronze medals in total.
  • France has twice as many silver medals as Italy has gold medals

Solving The Problem:



Tuesday 9 August 2016

Alix Sherratt,
Havelock North Intermediate School,
13 Nimon Street,
Havelock North

Tuesday 26th July 2016,

Kia ora Riley,

Hi my name is Alix, and I am 12 and I go to Havelock North Intermediate. I like snakes and gaming and playing games with my friends. I have a pet cat and her name was piper now it’s kitty.

This term we have been learning about Change Makers and you changed something amazing that not even I could do, so well done!

I wrote this letter to you because you spent a lot of your time fundraising for the cancer foundation.  You helped save your friends life with the contributions you made.You made me go wow and thats amazing. You are so amazing that you got in the newspaper that is pretty good for a nine year old now you can say you have been in the newspaper.

Kind Regards
Alix Sherratt
Room 12 HNI

Monday 1 August 2016

Change Makers

This term my class has been learning about change makers and this is my slide.

Friday 1 July 2016

My Reflection For Term 2

Answer these questions with your thinking and then copy and paste onto your blog...

End of Term 2 2016 Reflection

1. What has been the funniest, awesome, coolest achievement that has happened this term?Getting some reach awards.
2. What progress have you made with your reading, writing, inquiry and maths learning this term? Reading: Read faster and read bigger words. Writing: I can write more complex words and can write a bit quicker. Inquiry: Is reading and writing. Maths: I can do harder maths equations.
3. What are your aspirations for term 3? Be a good boy and be amazing at everything.
4. Who is one ‘new’ person you would like to sit next to next term? Blake
5. What is your goal for home-learning next term? To have fun and complete the homework every week.
6. What can your teacher do to support your progress and learning in term 3? Help with maths, writing, reading and inquiry if I need help.

Find an inspirational quote that is going to be your reference for term 3. Be sure to include it in your blog post I love school because I can see my friends and learn and have a good education and be awesome at everything, enjoy school and have fun.

Eg. Seuss-quotes-1.png

My Speech

Each of the pair of organs set within the rib cage, more of elastic sacs with split passages into which air is drawn, so that oxygen can pass into the blood and carbon dioxide be removed. Lungs are normal of vertebrates other than fish, though similar shape are present in some other animal groups.
The lungs are a pair of soft, air-filled organs located on either side of the chest called thorax.
The trachea (windpipe) control inhaled air into the lungs through its rare branches, called bronchi.

Then divide into smaller and smaller branches, finally becoming microscopic.
The bronchioles eventually end in clump of microscopic air sacs called alveoli.
In the alveoli, oxygen from the air is absorbed into the blood. Carbon dioxide, a waste product of metabolism, travels from the blood to the alveoli, where it can be exhaled.
The lungs are covered by a thin tissue layer called the pleura. The same kind of thin tissue lines the inside of the chest cavity is also called pleura. A thin layer of fluid acts as a lubricant allowing the lungs to slip smoothly as they expand and contract with each breath.
The bronchioles eventually end in clump of microscopic air sacs called alveoli.
In the alveoli, oxygen from the air is absorbed into the blood. Carbon dioxide, a waste product of metabolism, travels from the blood to the alveoli, where it can be exhaled.
The bronchioles eventually end in clump of microscopic air sacs called alveoli.
In the alveoli, oxygen from the air is absorbed into the blood. Carbon dioxide, a waste product of metabolism, travels from the blood to the alveoli, where it can be exhaled.
The lungs are covered by a thin tissue layer called the pleura. The same kind of thin tissue lines the inside of the chest cavity is also called pleura. A thin layer of fluid acts as a lubricant allowing the lungs to slip smoothly as they expand and contract with each breath.
The lungs are covered by a thin tissue layer called the pleura. The same kind of thin tissue lines. the inside of the chest cavity is also called pleura. A thin layer of fluid acts as a lubricant allowing the lungs to slip smoothly as they expand and contract with each breath.

the inside of the chest cavity is also called pleura. A thin layer of fluid acts as a lubricant allowing the lungs to slip smoothly as they expand and contract with each breath.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD): Damage to the lungs results in difficulty blowing air out, causing shortness of breath.
Smoking is by far the most common cause of COPD.
Obesity breathing weirdly slow syndrome: Extra weight makes it difficult to expand the chest when breathing. This can lead to long-term breathing problems.Pneumothorax: Air in the chest; it occurs when air enters the area around the lung (the pleural space) abnormally. Pneumothorax can be caused by an injury or may happen spontaneously.
An infection caused by inhaling Histoplasma, a fungus found in the soil in the eastern and central U.S. Most Histoplasma pneumonia are mild, causing only a short-lived cough and flu.Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS): A severe pneumonia caused by a specific virus first discovered in Asia in 2002. Worldwide prevention measures seem to have controlled SARS, which has caused no deaths in the U.S
Rendered Image

Wednesday 4 May 2016

Graffiti Art

I made this graffiti art on the website called graffiti wall.
If you can't read it it says, The finger tips hold two thousand pores per square inch. 

Leaf Art

As it is Autumn, we thought we would use some of the leaves, sticks and other natural products found on the ground to create some leaf animals.  First we decided on our animal or mythical creature, then we planned out the leaves we would need to create our artwork.  Once we collected our leaves we glued them on to the paper (some required hot glue guns) and then presented our art.

This is my slug alligator giraffe made of leaves.

Monday 2 May 2016

First day at electronics

Today I begin a new Technology class at Electronics
The get ready get thru website says that we need a torch with spare batteries for our emergency kit.
I am going to design and make one for myself to use in my bedroom

Friday 8 April 2016

ANZAC: Dulce et decorum est

For writing we have been reconstructing a poem following the structure of Dulce et Decorum Est by
Wilfred Owen.
Miss Hooper read us instructions and we constructed our poem about ANZAC and the war.

Here is my poem:

The War:

Trench foot has came setting disease, struggling and sour, yelling and gunshots,
Blood everywhere, risk takers crossing no man's land.
Explosives blowing up, soldiers yelling and gunshots firing across the land,
Running as fast as I could back to safety.
Defend from the bombs can't hear for much longer, blind from the gas 
Smoke polluting the sky, men tired, broken bones and sore heads.
Most men are unlucky and don't hear gas shells decided behind them,
While they walk in pain.

Gas is nearer get your masks and stay unharmed.
Proceed as rapid as you can to get the masks on.
Most of us are successful but one of us is too unhurried to put his mask on quick quick soldiers shouted but the gas has consumed his lungs.
The gas is thick like elephants skin and as green as the grass we can't see eachother anymore.

You feel powerless observing your mate running his fastest through the gas and seeing him cough to death.

His face is as grey as elephants skin as we toss him in the wagon he is in pain I can see it in his eyes he is tossing and turning in the wagon of blood he looks like he is going to die with tocsins in him and a scratched up face.
The disgusting sound of blood sloshing in the wagon on the uneven roads,
The growling sound of blood filling his lungs,
The dark green mucus coming up from his body,
It's the sound you never want to listen to.
If you have seen what I have seen,
You would never forget those horrors,
It is awesome to fight and die for our country,
These are the horrors I won't forget.